🚧How it's made

D4X.oi was started during Hackathon ETHONLINE 2022 and achieved 🥉 deBridge — Best Use Prize. During Q4'22 and Q1'23 D4X Protocol was developed from PreAlpha Hackathon Version to Alpha Version 1.2. according to Roadmap

Technologies we used in D4X:

  • We use Ethereum-like blockchains

  • Smart contracts are written in Solidity 0.8.9

  • Smart contracts are deployed to

    • Optimism Goerly Testnet

    • Polygon Mumbai Testnet

  • Front-end is written in Next Js

  • Front-end is deployed on Vercel

  • We used theGraph

  • We used the Rainbow kit for connect wallets

  • Automation by Chainlink Keeper

Functional of Alpha Version 1.2.:

  • Trader's Positions

    • Open Position

    • Close Position

    • Auto Liquidation by Keeper

  • ALP Pool

    • Deposit

    • Redeem/Withdraw

    • LP Tokens System

    • Auto Profit Calculation

  • Insurance Fund

    • Loss protection System

    • Credit System

    • Auto swapping funds for Keeper

  • Additional profit for Investors

    • Send free funds of ALP and Position to AAVE protocol

Last updated