📖Dictionary D4X

  • Opened Position in D4X - an active long (or short) trade by a trader, made using borrowed funds from the ALP. The position remains open and is securely locked in smart contracts until closed by the trader or by the automated liquidation engine

  • Factor of Leverage in D4X - this is how much a trader's position is multiplied by using borrowed money. More leverage means bigger wins or losses.

  • Input amount of Trader's funds in D4X- the amount of trader's funds required to open a position in D4X depends on the specific trade size and leverage chosen by the trader. After signing the transaction, this amount is directly taken from the trader's address.

  • Input amount of APL's funds in D4X - the amount borrowed by the trader from ALP to open that position. It depends on the chosen leverage factor and the desired size of the position.

  • Planned amount of Position in D4X - the size of a position that a trader plans to open using leverage, borrowing credit amounts from the ALP (Automatic Leveraging Pool). After swapping, the funds for that position will be securely locked in smart contracts until the trader closes the position or it is automatically liquidated.

  • Market Rate in D4X - the current price of a cryptocurrency pair on a chosen decentralized exchange. It's used by the smart contract to determine the swapping price when executing a position. The actual Market Rate may differ from the planned rate due to the outcome of the smart contract swap.

  • Margin Call Rate in D4X - the level at which automatic liquidation begins. It represents the minimum margin level required to maintain a leveraged position and prevent potential losses in the ALP.

  • My approved tokens in D4X - amount (in ERC20 tokens) authorized by users for use in the D4X protocol. Smart contracts can access the approved amount to create positions or deposit into the pool, following protocol algorithms.

Last updated