Position Screen

(“New Position” screen has two sections: Trade and Pool. (”Trade” is pre-opened)

1.1. "Trade" on "New Position" Screen

Here Trader can open a new forex position.

For example, Trader can open a position in 10,000 DAI with leverage X100 sending just 100 USDC

The trader enters the next parameters and sees the calculations:

Main Flow ”Trade”

  1. Press button ”Trade”

  2. choose pair (example: DAI vs USDC)

  3. input bet amount and coin (example: 100 USDC)

  4. choose leverage (example: X100)

  5. see calc of position amount (example: 10’018 DAI)

  6. see current market rate (example: 1.0018 DAI for USDT)

  7. see the notion about margin call level (example: 0.9918 USDT for 1 DAI)

  8. choose “Execute by Market” or “Execute by Limit order” (example: “Execute by Market”)

  9. Press button “Approve coin” (example: “Approve coin” - just if there were no “approve” before. It’s going to MetaMask)

  10. press button “Open Position” (It’s going to MetaMask and starts the smart contract function “openPosition”)

As a result, in this example, Trader will initiate opening a new position in 10.018 DAI by taking borrow in 9.900 USDC as leverage and sending its own 100 USDC. After execution of swapping on open DEX’es that position will be available in the Dashboard for managing

Advanced Flow ”Trade”

In addition, Trader can open the “Advanced” slide section - it opens by pushing the “Advanced” button

In the “Advanced” section Trader creates 2 limit orders: for Take profit TP and Stop loss SL:

  1. input Take profit TP rate (example: 1.0088 USDT for 1 DAI)

  2. see notion “My potential profit” (example: 70.13 USDC)

  3. input Stop loss SL rate (example: 0.9998 USDT for 1 DAI)

  4. see notion “My potential loss” (example: -20.04 USDC)

  5. see a chart of rate with levels - current rate, TP rate, SL rate (example: current rate 1.0018, TP rate 1.0088, SL rate 0.9998)

1.2. "Pool" on "New Position" Screen

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